英语通知范文及翻译(合集19篇) 世界快播

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2023-05-02 12:20:20


英语通知范文及翻译 第1篇





英语通知范文及翻译 第2篇

English Drama Club

Does the theater attract you? — Then come and join us in the school play!

Show yourself on the coming “” Art and Culture Festival!!!.

If you are interested, please send an email to Ms Shen at shenlaoshi@.






Dear Ms Shen,

I’m Li Hua, a student from Class 1,Grade_

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly, Li Hua


Dear Ms Shen,

I’m Li Hua, a student from Class 1, Grade 3. I’m writing to apply for the membership in your club.

I really want to obtain this precious opportunity because to be an actor is my long-cherished dream. I always dream of performing on the stage with so many eyes focused on me. Meanwhile, my stage technique is sure to be improved. So will my communication skill as

well as my confidence in speaking English in public.

As an outgoing girl, I get along well with my classmates. Not only do I love acting, but I am also creative and full of imagination. And now I’m trying to write my own play. What’s more, I have such a good command of English that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher.

I do hope you can give me a chance to make my dream realized. I would appreciate it very much if my membership could be accepted.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

英语通知范文及翻译 第3篇

Boys and girls,

Our school will have a meeting on the playground at 3:00 p. m. on June 18th. The meeting is about being(keeping)away from net bars and refusing unhealthy publications. We"ll visit a picture show about healthy knowledge after the meeting. Please get there on time with your chairs. That" s all.

Thank you.

The Students" Union

英语通知范文及翻译 第4篇


1、 Welcome to apply for the xx position in our company. Your knowledge and experience have left a good impression on us. In order to further understand each other, please come to our company for an interview at xx on xx. Interview location:

2、 If your time is not convenient, please contact Mr. xx by phone in advance,



Unit name:


英语通知范文及翻译 第5篇

对应的海报通知:LectureTitle: Influences on their future career for college by Prof. John : 6:39pm, next Thursday.(You can get your lecture tickets from the Student Union Office at 7:00pm-9:00pm weekdays.)Avenue: Lecture Student Union Secretary Li Min.

英语通知范文及翻译 第6篇


Hello, XXX Personnel Department has arranged the interview time for you. Please bring a resume and attend the interview on time. Note: This position is evaluated based on the interview ability level and salary. Particularly excellent candidates are invited to participate in the company"s dry share allocation, and you are invited to join xxx with a high salary.

Interview time: 9:30-12:00, 14:00-16:30 within 3 working days after receiving the interview notice.

Interview location: xxxx.

Bus route: Take the subway Batong Line, get off at Gaobeidian, exit the north entrance, cross Xinglong Park and diagonally cross Ruicheng International. The map shows red dots.

Bus: Civil Aviation Hospital Station, get off and get there. Tel.: xxxxxx, Manager Li.

Company website: xxxx

For company maps, please refer to Baidu Maps, Gaode Maps, Sogou Maps, or other maps.

Unit name:


英语通知范文及翻译 第7篇


1、 Welcome to apply for the position of xxxx in our company. Your knowledge and experience have left a good impression on us. In order to further understand each other, please come to our company for a formal interview at xx on xx.

2、 Bring personal ID card and photocopy, academic certificate and photocopy, professional title certificate and photocopy, and xxxxxx one-inch bareheaded color photos of individuals.

Company address: No. Tongzipo Road, Yuelu District, Changsha City



Unit name:


英语通知范文及翻译 第8篇

Each unit:

In response to the government"s request to carry out the "Safety Production Month Activity" in 20xx, our company adheres to the principle of "safety first, prevention first", and in order to ensure the company"s safety production and eliminate safety and fire hazards, we are now scheduled to conduct fire safety knowledge and safety knowledge training in the training room of Jiangbei Station on the morning of June 11, 20xx. All units are requested to participate in the training on time according to the following requirements.

1、 Training time: 9:00 am, June 11th, 20xx.

2、 Training location: x training room of xx company.

4、 Training lecturers: Wujin Fire Protection Center, Group Production Safety Center.

5、 Training objectives: Through training, understand fire hazards, increase vigilance, and prevent accidents.

6、 Training content: explanation of fire safety knowledge.

7、 Training objects: safety administrators, repair team leaders, machine repair team leaders, and auto repair team leaders of each station. (List attached)

Notified by:


英语通知范文及翻译 第9篇



First of all, thank you for your trust and strong support to our company.

After initial contact, we believe that you have the basic ability to join our company. Therefore, we hereby notify you to come to our company for a formal interview at the following time and place. The specific requirements are as follows.

Interview time:

Interview location:


Personal preparation:

1. Bring personal ID card and photocopy, academic certificate and photocopy, professional title certificate and photocopy

2. Qualification certificate and photocopy, award certificate and photocopy

3. xxxx one-inch bareheaded color photos of individuals

A good beginning is half the battle. Wishing you success!



英语通知范文及翻译 第10篇

Dear Employees,

The end of the year has come, and the new year is beginning. In order to thank all employees for their hard work in the year 20xx, the company has decided to hold a year-end dinner on January 20th, 20xx, on the occasion of welcoming the new year and the new year. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1、 Activity time:

Lunch: 11:30-13:30

PM KTV: 14:00-18:00

2、 Event location:

Miao"s Sichuan Cuisine (Fifth Garden Store, 2nd Floor, Vanke Lane, Vanke Fifth Garden, Banxue Gang Avenue, Bantian) - Baile City Oxygen Bar (KTV) (Bantian Store, 2nd Floor, Dafa Pu Market, Wuhe Intersection, Bantian)

3、 Participants:

all hands

4、 During the event, you are not allowed to leave the team without authorization. Anyone involved must ask for leave from the leader. Please take good care of your own finances. After the event, go home and pay attention to traffic safety.

I wish everyone a happy new year and a prosperous xx year. The company hopes to still have your company in xx 7. Thank you all the way and move forward hand in hand!

Personnel Administration Department

January 12th, 20xx

英语通知范文及翻译 第11篇

Dear ,

My name is xxx, a Phd student of xxx. I have learned from the Website about the International Conference on Medical Biometrics 20xx will be held on the Shenzhen from 30th May to 1th June 20xx. I am just writing a paper which seems to be coinciding with the topics of the conference. I would appreciate receiving the Call for Papers, Circulars and other details of the Conference.

I await your early reply.

My best regards,

Sincerely, xxx.

英语通知范文及翻译 第12篇


Hello, thank you for applying for the xx position in our company/Through preliminary screening, you meet the basic requirements for the xx position in our company. In order to enhance mutual understanding, we hereby invite you to come to our company for an interview at xx on xx, 20xx! I hope you arrive on time!

Company address:

Interview address:


contact number:

Bus route:

Unit name:


英语通知范文及翻译 第13篇

Dear colleagues,

Today, we specially invite you to participate in the celebration of the opening of xx (location name) branch. We hope to celebrate with you and invite you to enjoy the champagne while visiting.

Warmly welcome your arrival on xx (date), xx (time A) - xx (time B).

If your acquaintances or friends are also interested in our products, you are welcome to bring them along.

We look forward to your arrival!

Notified by:


英语通知范文及翻译 第14篇


All professors and associate professors are requested to meet in te

college conference room on Saturday, August 18, at 2:00 p. m. to discuss

questions concerning international academic exchanges.


英语通知范文及翻译 第15篇



Thank you for applying for the position of reserve cadre in our company. After careful selection, I am pleased to inform you that you have obtained the interview qualification. In order to further understand each other, I am honored to inform you to participate in the interview organized by our company. The specific arrangements are as follows:

Interview time: 8:30, December 13, 20xx, check-in time: 18:00 (full day) Interview address: Zhengdong New Area Business Outer Ring and Jiuru East Road intersection - Renbao Building - 17F Interview format: structured interview (including multiple links, requiring full participation) Notes:

1. The interview time is full day, and the reexamination personnel need to report to the company"s front desk at 8:30

To receive your own number plate.

2. Interviewers are required to participate in all aspects of the reexamination throughout the day and arrange the time in advance;

3. The information required for the reexamination is as follows:

① Personal ID card;

② Materials that can prove my ability (such as student ID cards, credit cards, various certificates, etc.);

③ One 1-inch ID photo;

4. Please inform our company of any changes in a timely manner. thank you!



英语通知范文及翻译 第16篇

Dear parents,

You recently had good?I miss you,leaving you already have more than two months,I am in the school all teachers and classmates are very friendly to often help me with my I am learning grades have improved a lot,I have made a great I"m much more outgoing than before,during the school day let me feel the life is becoming more and more interested school life now become very also actively participate in school club activities.

I made many friends,learn a lot and Dad,I live well now,don"t read,you should also pay attention to your body,take good care of yourself,now the cold weather,pay attention to keep warm,wear more clothes,hope you everything goes well.

Best wishes to you.

Love you.

英语通知范文及翻译 第17篇

To: All Managers

The next Monthly Management Meeting will be held at 10:00 . on Monday, April 5, in Meeting Room A.

Following is the agenda for the meeting:

hase of New Office Computers

nsion of Summer Holidays

etary Control

If there are any other items you would like to be placed on the agenda, let me know by e-mail by the end of this week.

Thank you.

John Doe

英语通知范文及翻译 第18篇

Dear students,

Once a classmate, vaguely like a dream, do you remember me: innocent years, years like songs, I hope to often remember you and me.

Forty years of time, forty years of change, regardless of poverty, regardless of officers and soldiers, regardless of success or failure, regardless of distance. We are all students from the National High School. Years have passed, but what remains unchanged is our pure schoolmate friendship with each other. Like you, how many times have we met in dreams, and how many times have we been fascinated

For this reason, we make an appointment with you: to invite you to go back to your school days, listen to the voices of long-lost students, look at the faces of long-lost students, and talk about the thoughts of parting. Come back, dear students, let"s temporarily put aside the noise of the world, discard the troubles around us, and meet again in forty years, enjoying the warmth and joy of the old classmates" reunion, speaking from the bottom of our hearts, and recounting our classmates" feelings.

Remember: Homecoming cannot be without you.

Notified by:


英语通知范文及翻译 第19篇

Dear xxx level students,

1. Graduation Ceremony and Graduation Party Time: Thursday evening, June 21, xxxx, Location: Handball Hall.

2. Graduation Dinner and Teacher Appreciation Dinner: On the evening of Friday, June 22, xxxx, at the second floor of Taoyuan.

3. Notes on the arrangement of graduation dinner time: (1) Try to arrange it close to the graduation party time. (2) The reservation time for Taoyuan (we made the reservation on May 31st, but we couldn"t make it from June 23rd to 26th at that time).

4. Please make every effort to coordinate the time to attend our graduation party and graduation dinner. If possible, it is best to make the time available from June 10th to 30th to return to school to participate in relevant activities and handle graduation related work. Next, there will be "Notice of Graduates" Departure Procedures" and other notices.




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